Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just so they know...

I can't promise my kids as much as I'd like to.

I can't promise them I'll never screw up (I already have, a lot a lot). I can't promise them I'll never yell, or nag, or be unfair, or blame them for something they didn't do.

But I can promise them that I'll always love them, unconditionally, for who they are and for who they will become. I can promise them that I'll look at their faces and see the babies they were, even when they're twenty-five, and that I'll do my best to empower them even when I don't agree with their choices. Because without empowerment, without someone to tell you you're good enough and strong enough and that they believe in you, achieving a dream is that much harder. Not impossible, because the human spirit is nothing if not resilient, but harder, and less likely.

And I can think of no greater tragedy than a grown-up child who doesn't because no one said they could.

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