Monday, January 18, 2010

Cuteness Overload

Wow. I've got to stop these nostalgic journeys. Thing is, we rearranged Alex's room yesterday and removed the last vestiges of nursery from it; it's now officially a BIG BOY room. And I'm OK with that, of course, because he just gets better as he gets older, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a little twinge when I stumble blindly upon (or go to great lengths to dig up) one of these reminders of my funny baby boy.

Poor Charlie has only recently stopped fleeing anytime Alex gets within a 50-yard radius of her. I wonder how she'll react when we bring home another human puppy. My guess is that she'll keep a safe distance but (again) be a devoted if rather hands-off surrogate mama dog. She'll plant herself in front of me and bat mercilessly at my legs if I don't answer baby's cries as promptly as she thinks I should. She'll lick tiny feet with a kind of reverence (but only when the owner of the tiny feet is sound asleep). Jack ... well, Jack is Jack. He will passively tolerate being spat up on, pushed and pulled, and having his lips flapped around by chubby baby hands. He will serve as a furry step stool and a reliable source of infant amusement. All he'll ask in return is to be allowed to lick all traces of food, milk, juice, and unidentifiable stickiness off the child as he sees fit.

Day after tomorrow, we'll have a better picture of what our future holds.


  1. i love that, four years later, he still looks and laughs just like he did then.

  2. With more hair. And Jack is a little leaner these days. Never thought I'd be able to say that!

  3. Jack is a good boy. You guys should never say different because I won't believe it. What nursery items did you take out of Alex's room?

  4. Cathy, he has his moments. He is great with kids, I'll give him that. We took the changing table down to the office (the nursery-to-be) and moved the TV cabinet into Alex's room. It's now serving as his dresser. And the glider is going to move once we get some old stuff carted away. It's a gradual process.

  5. Hi Julie! It's me, missus_grace from LJ :)
    I just love these vids. Your dogs remind me so much of our Golden and Alex is just so darn cute!

    I'm anxious to hear about the results of your ultrasound. We have a friend who is pregnant and has 2 boys already. She wants to be surprised. Sheesh! If I had two boys I'd sure as heck want to know if it was time to get rid of the boy stuff and get some pink!
