The rules of having a newborn are pretty basic. Keep it safe, keep it fed, keep it clean. That doesn’t factor in the arbitrary MUSTs you’ll get from every direction, from (usually) well-meaning been-there-done-that moms: Pacifiers are a necessity. (Or, conversely, pacifiers are E-VILLE.) Breastfeed or risk raising a halfwit. Swaddle, for God’s sake, SWADDLE! And my personal fave: Sleep when the baby sleeps. (If you’ve ever had raging anxiety-induced insomnia and a newborn who is a noisy sleeper, you’ll know that’s simply not an option.)
But it’s all moot, because at the end of the day you’ll Do What Works. Some babies need that paci (and if yours does you might regret it until that glorious day when he can actually keep the damn thing in his mouth!) Some moms try to nurse but switch to formula when nursing begins to trigger uncontrollable weepy emotional upheavals. (Um, so I HEAR.) Some parents never get the hang of swaddling, or can’t get comfortable with turning their baby into a burrito. Some babies sleep only under a painfully specific set of circumstances, and woe be to anyone who deviates from the system even a millimeter. Those kids turn out fine, too. Those kids turn out ... Alex.
At least we got a $2,000 discount on the beach house due to the ants,but didn't solve having to put the baby on the bathroom floor. If someone had only video taped us killing the ants. Of course that was when hurricane Dennis had come through 2 days before we got there. I look back on raising my kids, it's a miracle any of them survived.
ReplyDeleteIt is a miracle that any child survives when it comes to the fact that there is no perfect way to raise them and no book that exactly fits all situations. It is like you said,"Do what works".
ReplyDeletei agree! do what works. at the end of the day.
ReplyDeletePaci, paci, paci! Formula from a bottle, yipee! I think the tiny Bosche/Jacobs trio has turned out just fine and could run the world someday (Charlie and Baby Bosche included)!